Senior Pastor Todd Willard | 860.529.1575 x115 | Email

Diane Galloway, Director of Caring Ministries | 860.529.1575 x210 | Email

For further information about the other Prayer Ministries’ offerings, or to schedule individual prayer appointments, please call the church at 860.529.1575.


Do you prefer silent/meditative prayer, listening and reflecting silently, or verbally praying from scriptures, or as the Holy Spirit leads? 

All approaches to prayer are welcome. Come and join as we come together to lift our prayers to our loving Almighty Heavenly Father. 

All prayer sessions meet in the Prayer Chapel.


When Women Pray, 12:00-1:00 PM


Community Prayer, 6:30-7:30 PM


The First Church Prayer Ministry seeks to care and provide the personal interest, intercession, and compassion that our Lord Jesus demonstrated.

We believe God sustains and grows us through prayer.

For this reason, our church and its ministries are bathed in prayer every day of the week.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray unceasingly for everything and in all circumstances. 

The First Church Prayer Ministry promotes the importance of prayer for all. 

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